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What Its Really Like To Date Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

By April 11, 2023No Comments

And none of her coping skills bring peace or relief. In the above dialogue, Geri was defensive on a number of occasions. Statements such as “I’m not trying to hurt you” and “I don’t hate you” only made Rory angrier. This is because defensiveness is fundamentally invalidating. It’s like trying to convince Rory that his feelings are based on misperception or incorrect interpretation.

Experiencing periods of emotional intensity, or frequent/rapid mood swings. We are beginning to see the effects of what broken marriages and families without father’s does to both women and men in society. Specifically, what happens to a woman when she grows up in a family without a dad, with an abusive dad, or simply a dad who has no masculine energy to show her. Following a stranger to an apartment, he says, can be a sign of HPD’s suggestibility trait that may put your partner in a dangerous situation. Helping your partner become aware of the risks may help them think twice about following impulses.

I became fearful he would run, but I really respected him for being honest and it helped me to see what I was doing. He was very considerate of my feelings and genuinely wanted to learn to please me in bed. Sometimes I was so overwhelmed that I would burst into tears. I had seriously just never had a man that I was so attracted to take time to learn about me- a guy who cared more about pleasing me than himself.

I am having a hard time with the girl that broke up with me July 25th of last year and has had 0 communication with me since that day. I think she has Paranoid Personality Disorder as well too. We had a beautiful relationship, as we had no contact for like 2.5 years then one day I just woke up weareher com with the urge to track her down. I email her to find out she just got out of an abusive relationship from being raped and what not, and left to be homeless from her mom when she went to her for help. We started out as great friends, then it just led to a relationship and she moved in with me.

Dating Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

I know a lot of women that go out of there way to really help out the boyfriend, but it never gets reciprocated or appreciated mainly due to the fact that the guy is crazy, lol. So, you really shouldn’t be doing favors for people, even lovers, that aren’t appreciative of things. After a torrid, confusing three months she cooled it and we’re behaving as friends now for the most part. I give her support when she needs it and space when she needs it. I can do that because I figured out on my own she had the disorder, started understanding her, and I care about her.

We talked about our interests and similarities via text and phone conversation for about a week. By the time that Saturday came, I asked her to be my girlfriend and we became a happy couple for about 5 weeks. I could tell she was really happy to be mine and I was really happy to be hers. We even exchanged how much we love each other over this 5 week period and life was great for the two of us until just recently. I noticed she started becoming very distant and said she was too busy to or too tired to talk to me or see me . Very recent ago, as in about 2-3 days ago, she said she wanted a “break” to see if what we had was real.

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Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. With therapy and understanding on the part of the neurotypical partner, the answer is yes. But you should be prepared for a wild ride. It does get better, in a loving relationship. BPD girls are infinite affection generator, once you reassured them on the fact you like them. Love is more powerful than insecurities.

When she pulls away, she wants to see how you’ll react. This is true even if she doesn’t know it on a subconscious level. A desperate man is an easily controlled man. The man who fails with BPD women sets himself up for failure. Because you can avoid 90% of the problems you experience.

Is dating someone with borderline personality disorder difficult?

BPD tend to move on quickly as they can’t process the loneliness, or be alone with themselves, as they don’t really have a base of who they are. So I shifted my thinking to say, would I really want to be with someone who is going to do that. Both for him and the people who care about him.

SHE DATED SOMEONE 2 WEEKS AFTER THE ABORTION! At the time, she was dating her best friend, who would ignore Navabi for days. They had their own mental health issues, but seeing them active on social media and interacting with others caused extreme distress. “I’d have physical chest pains and be immobilised by it,” she says. On one of these occasions, she spent three days paralysed in bed, only to recover by emotionally detaching completely.

With therapy, medication and DBT he is slowly learning to control the worst of his BPD traits. Believe me that; however much shit BPD sufferers put us through it is nothing compared to the disgust, self loathing and remorse they live with every day. The desire to die – to to not want to actually kill themselves but, paradoxically, not want to live either is something that is almost impossible to understand.

I’m dating a girl with bpd right now and I’m having allot of problems. She does live me and I see now that it’s a mistake. Any tips or advice would be amazing please.