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Pure O OCD: Symptoms, Examples, And Treatment

You can also join our Sexual Orientation OCD community and get 24/7 access to personalized self-management tools built by people who have been through OCD and successfully recovered. Determining the worst form of OCD is difficult as it is subjective to the individual’s experience of their symptoms. All forms of OCD can be distressing and debilitating, and it is crucial to seek professional help to manage the condition effectively. Early intervention in the form of therapy and medication can significantly improve an individual’s quality of life and ability to function.

The people I’m closest to recognize that I’m doing my best to manage my symptoms, but this is likely how things will always be. Don’t daydream about if I didn’t have OCD, just accept me how I am and love me for that. Accommodating your loved one’s OCD symptoms — for example, waiting in the car as they complete their rituals — is a mild form of enabling. Changing your behavior to accommodate the OCD is often easier with someone you love than attempting to set boundaries or interfering with compulsive behaviors. These often take the form of rituals that help the person relieve anxiety.

What Is “Pure O” OCD?

People with the condition often engage in compulsions to deal with the distress created by obsessions. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that people feel compelled to engage in to minimize anxiety or prevent adverse events from occurring. The very best thing that you can do when dealing with OCD in a relationship is to learn about the mental health condition yourself. Beyond your own understanding, try to understand how it affects your partner. If you’re dating someone with OCD, just knowing that their emotions can swing and their anxiety can go up and down might mean you won’t be as caught off guard if they begin to feel anxious.

A Word From Mantra Care

As such, these responses to obsessions often become a ritual, another way to neutralize the anxiety and uncertainty that the obsessions cause. They often find themselves giving up on things or relationships that could otherwise bring them joy. A husband imagines cheating on his partner and fears that because he had these thoughts that he must secretly want to be with someone else. A college aged woman suddenly catches a glimpse of her roommate changing her clothes. Suddenly, she is flooded with thoughts of whether or not she was attracted to her roommate’s naked body. She checks her vagina for signs of arousal and actively avoids looking at her roommate in the future out of fear it will provoke more unwanted thoughts.

Instead of combating their intrusive thoughts with visible rituals such as hand-washing or counting, they perform repetitive, mental rituals to minimize stress. Because of the hidden nature of the disorder, Pure OCD is extremely distressing and challenging to treat. Many sufferers go years without seeking help or opening up to loved ones.

Pure O OCD: Symptoms, Examples, and How to Cope

If you think you or a loved one are suffering from Pure O, see a local specialist. Photo by Fernando @cferdo on UnsplashPure O means I’ve convinced myself that I’m basically a serial killer. Pure O means I’ve convinced myself I’ve raped and murdered people. Pure O means my brain wants me to think that I’m a garbage human being — the worst of the worst.

“There is a lot of shame and guilt attached to these symptoms, and many people will withdraw rather than risk their symptoms becoming an embarrassment publicly.” It’s been estimated that obsessive-compulsive disorder affects about 2.3 percent of U.S. adults at some point in their lifetime. However, the range of symptoms and the degree to which they impair an individual’s life may vary significantly, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

It’s not difficult to understand why someone would feel intense anxiety when experiencing thoughts, images, and urges about hurting other people, all day and all night. Other types of obsessions, whether they involve harm or not, generate just as much distress. Nor is it surprising that anyone facing this much anxiety would like to get rid of it.

Often, treatment is most effective with a combination of these. It is important to note that having OCD unacceptable thoughts does not mean that the person is a bad or dangerous person. These thoughts are a symptom of the disorder and do not reflect the individual’s character or intentions. Additionally, individuals with OCD often recognize that their thoughts do not make sense, but they feel unable to control them and worry about the potential consequences. Unacceptable OCD may also involve compulsions that are harmful to oneself or others. Additionally, negative thinking patterns and emotional states can have a significant effect on the severity of OCD thoughts.

Negative events relating to their relationships may cause them significant distress and make them doubt their own worth as a result. People with partner-focused obsessions may be particularly sensitive to the way their partner compares with others and the way their partner is looked upon by the rest of the world. Situations where their partner is viewed unfavorably or when encountering potential alternative partners may lead to intense distress and trigger preoccupation. ROCD symptoms have been linked with significant personal difficulties (e.g., mood, anxiety, other OCD symptoms) in all these relationship contexts.

I treated people using Exposure and Response Prevention and saw people get better day in and day out. I continue to use ERP because nothing is more effective in treating OCD. Pure O itself comes in many forms, and people’s obsessions can center around any topic. Common obsessions relate to relationships, sexuality, harm, contamination, responsibility, and religious or moral scrupulosity. Plus, as in Sarah’s case, people’s symptoms may change for any number of reasons.

CBT Models of ROCD

Offering empathy and acknowledging what your partner is feeling can make it easier for them to open up to you. This could look like excessive hand washing, repetitive tapping, or excessively cleaning. One of the most important things to remember if you’re involved with someone with OCD is that their habits, routines, and ways of doing things may seem very different to you. You might view some of their actions and obsessive tendencies as being excessive, unnecessary, or repetitive.

Pure OCD, or pure “O” OCD, is a type of OCD where compulsions aren’t visible actions, but instead, they’re mostly thought-based. I have Pure-O OCD. All I need from my partner is to understand what I have is “ok.” She doesn’t need to fix me. I knew really fast that she had something unusual with her because of the number of meds she took on a regular basis, but I figured I’d just let her tell me when she was ready. She finally told me about her ocd and I didnt really understand, so I went to reddit.

However, the relief they feel is only temporary and usually only lasts until the next intrusive obsession returns. Thus a compulsion becomes a ritual when it has to be done a certain way or in a certain order. Just as for any other anxiety disorder, such as social anxiety or generalized anxiety disorder , these obsessions often cause feelings of distress, discomfort, excessive worry, and even panic. Naturally, a person who is dealing with these intense emotions would want to do something about it so they can feel better.